Akram Khan’s Jungle Book reimagined

October 6 to 21, 2023

The Kipnes Lantern comes alive with stunning animations created by YeastCulture for Akram Khan’s Jungle Book reimagined.

Producing the visual story to support Jungle Book reimagined — coming to Southam Hall from October 19 to 21 — was an epic project involving 11 animators, creating over 50 minutes of hand-drawn animation. From October 6 to 21, experience moments of this beautifully crafted work on the NAC’s Kipnes Lantern every night starting at 6 pm.

YeastCulture was established in London, UK, in 1999 as a space to explore innovative ways of connecting the stage, video and the screen into one integrated audience experience. The company works across art forms blending film, live performance, animation, documentary, set design and projection mapping. 

Hand-drawn animations projected on the NAC Kipnes Lantern at night.
YeastCulture's hand-drawn animations in a scene of Akram Khan's Jungle Book reimagined, projected on the NAC Kipnes Lantern at night. Jen Derbach Photography
Hand-drawn animations projected on the NAC Kipnes Lantern at night.
YeastCulture's hand-drawn animations in a scene of Akram Khan's Jungle Book reimagined, projected on the NAC Kipnes Lantern at night. Jen Derbach Photography
Hand-drawn animations projected on the NAC Kipnes Lantern at night.
YeastCulture's hand-drawn animations in a scene of Akram Khan's Jungle Book reimagined, projected on the NAC Kipnes Lantern at night. Jen Derbach Photography

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