Explore the Symphony

Schubert Symphony No 9: the unfinished great symphony

with Marjolaine Fournier and Jean-Jacques van Vlasselaer

Marjolaine Fournier, NAC Orchestra double bassist, and Jean-Jacques van Vlasselaer, musicologist, explore Schubert's Ninth Symphony and uncover that Schubert never heard it performed in his lifetime. Schubert died in 1928 at the early age of 31. The changing politics and aesthetics of the day, his health, and the legacy of his predecessors, influenced the evolution of Schubert’s compositions. How does this unfinished Great symphony, born in 1825 and first performed in 1829, fit into the new Romantic era of music and in Schubert’s expansive catalog?

Discover how we can relate to Schubert today and much more through the story-telling of these two learned scholars of music.

Subscribe to the NAC podcast Explore the Symphony with the NAC Orchestra's Marjolaine Fournier and one of Canada's foremost music journalists, Jean-Jacques van Vlasselaer