Nos ébranlements
(Our disruptions)

Reconnecting, now and always

© Dominique T Skoltz

Nos ébranlements (“our disruptions”) connects teenagers who don’t know each other. The project brings a group of young people together to reflect on and confront the issues that unsettle them from within. By speaking out and taking creative micro-actions, they have the opportunity to probe the instability under their feet, but also the things that need to be taken care of or renovated on this same damaged surface. It’s an attempt to join forces to (re)think this world. 

The past year has weakened our ties, undermined our social contacts; in short, it has disconnected us. Multidisciplinary artist Judith Poitras and documentary photographer Jonathan Lorange, curators of this third edition, are inviting eight young people between the ages of 14 and 18 to reconnect with each other and the outside world.

A creative process to be completed in pairs leads them to question and reweave the thread that links them to the world. Artistic actions are integrated into daily life, manipulating mediums that thwart the virtual and the intangible: the young participants anonymously exchange letters, take black and white photos... so many pieces of reality that form the framework of a patched, multiform and collective video work.

  • Le bois entre les mains,
    L’instrument est délicat
    Mais la corde est forte comme sa musique
    Karla Koala / Katrina Awad
  • Plop, avec douceur
    Sous mes doigts agités 
    Les bulles éclatent
    Ménestrel du Nord / Victoria Norton-Poulin
  • Assise en tailleur 
    Ta crépitante chaleur 
    M'emplit de bonheur 
    Le raton laveur / Pierre-Nau Sagarra Martin
  • Un noeud c’est l’infini 
    C’est une promesse un noeud 
    C’est ma promesse à toi
    Vénus / Lauralee Leonhardt
  • Une brise d’automne
    Passant dans des cheveux
    Pour montrer un chandail bleu
    Cyrano de Bergerac / Dana Leclerc
  • Les feuilles qui craquent sous nos pas
    Engloutissent le son de nos voix
    Ainsi que l'écho de nos joies
    Aimmry Ashryver / Myriam Simard
  • Un réveil douloureux
    Sous des draps rugueux
    Une journée grise
    Matariki / Océane Bélanger Garant
  • Le rose noie mon nez
    Mes sinus trouve que je suis
    Complètement fou
    Citron amer / Emmet Logue


Artistic director: Mélanie Dumont 
Creators and co-curators for the 2021 edition: Jonathan Lorange and Judith Poitras 
Coordinator: Véronique Lavoie-Marcus 

Participants: Karla Koala / Katrina Awad, Vénus / Lauralee Leonhardt, Cyrano de Bergerac / Dana Leclerc, Citron amer / Emmet Logue, Ménestrel du Nord / Victoria Norton-Poulin, Matariki / Océane Bélanger Garant, Aimmry Ashryver / Myriam Simard, Le raton laveur / Pierre-Nau Sagarra Martin

  • Participant Karla Koala
  • veynus
    Participant Vénus
  • cyrano-de-bergerac
    Participant Cyrano de Bergerac
  • citron-amer
    Participant Citron amer
  • meynestrel-du-nord
    Participant Ménestrel du Nord
  • matariki
    Participant Matariki
  • Participant Aimmry Ashryver
  • Participant Le raton laveur
  • jonathan-lorange-cropped
    Co-curator Jonathan Lorange
  • Co-curator Judith Poitras
  • photo-melanie-2015
    associate artistic director, French Theatre Mélanie Dumont