Support for a Safe Re-Opening of Canadian Performing Arts Sector

Engaging with artists and external clients 

Maintaining ongoing dialogue with audiences, artists and employees is an essential part of the successful re-opening of performing arts venues. Although each venue will develop their own external and internal communications strategy to address their particular situation and context, below is a checklist of potential communication elements to consider when engaging with artists and external clients around re-opening.

This checklist should be considered in addition to the elements outlined for Audiences.

During the contract & booking phase

  • Communicate the Health and Safety protocols in place at the venue and outline all of the modifications to access, procedures and policies in place at the venue to protect artists, audiences and employees in response to the pandemic. (See audiences tab for list of potential elements to be addressed).
  • Outline provincial and municipal health and safety jurisdiction of venue. Provide links to those websites. Include all information relative to legal compliance with health and safety regulations as well as travel restrictions. If organizing a tour, include information on health and safety regulations and travel restrictions of various cities and/or provinces.
  • Develop an expected code of conduct for artists and external clients during the pandemic. Include review and agreement of compliance with code of conduct as a contractual clause for performance and/or event rental. Indicate conditions and penalties in place for non-compliance.
  • Maintain regular communications with artists and external clients regarding the organization's response status. 

On site

  • Provide an orientation to artists and external clients regarding health and safety procedures, protocol and expectations backstage and in rental spaces.
  • Consider appointing or assigning one or more health coordinators per production to monitor compliance with health and safety regulations and protocol, manage and distribute required PPE and monitor or issue reminders to self-monitor for illness.
  • Integrate health & safety procedure information in the rehearsal, event or performance schedule, communicating reminders and announcements at regular intervals. 

After the event or performance

  • Develop a strategy to follow up with artists and external clients regarding their experience following a performance.
  • Remind them to disclose any illness to the venue should they become ill in the days following their visit. Outline public health authority best practices for contact tracing being followed by venue and/or duty to disclose health incidents at venue.